Time is the coin of your life
Hi, I’m Dee
We all have hopes and dreams for ourselves and I am one of those dreamers. One of my dreams was to write, and that dream came true.
There had always been a nagging in the back of my mind that I was forgetting to do something. Even though over the years, I had written poetry, songs, short stories and children’s books, all of which are still on my computers and in various notebooks, that nagging feeling did not go away... until I began my first novel... Gifted. That was 21 books ago.
It's amazing how life turns out when dreams come true, isn't it?

My Latest Story
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With trepidation, Kate made her way along the beach to the graduation party. It was to be their last fling to celebrate the end of high school before taking on the responsibility of adulthood.
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What readers are saying
I finished your new book, Haunted, today. Wow!! What an awesome read. My emotions were all over the place. You truly are a talented lady. I am looking forward to your next book. You never disappoint.
I just finished reading your latest novel, Undercover. You had me hooked after the first few pages and right to the very end. It was such an enjoyable read. You are so talented and here’s hoping you have a few more in you. Well done, I loved it
I have finished your new book, The Assignment, and it was such a good read. Just when I think your books couldn’t get any better, you pleasantly surprise me. I was trying to read only a few pages a day to make it last, but when I was only halfway through, I had already used up nearly an entire box of Kleenex. You totally amaze me and ‘The Assignment’ is such a good read. I always reread your books, now I will have to read them all for a third time! Please keep on writing a few more, because you never disappoint me. Thank you!
Hi Dee. I am very pleased to get to read and enjoy another of your well-written books. When I open the cover, that’s it, I can’t put it down until I have finished it. You are proof that dreams and possibilities are endless when you believe in yourself. Congrats on another great book. I love the cover, very appropriate!
I just finished reading Then, Now & Forever and it’s a must-have on anyone's bookshelf.
Wow, Dee! I read your newest book, Then, Now & Forever. You threw a whole different kink on the aspects of life. The things the father and mother dealt with happen more than we think. This was a very good read and an eye-opener to things that can happen in a family unit, in the real world as we know it. You have a way of pulling us right into those pages so that we can’t put the book down. There were strong feelings, a little bit of jealousy, hurt and a whole lot of love. Thanks for another interesting read!
Hi Dee,
I just finished your latest book, Then, Now & Forever. It certainly held my interest from cover to cover causing me to finish it in one sitting. It was a very good read and looking forward to your next book.
I finished reading your book, Betrayal. I really enjoyed it and found it was another great read. I don’t know how you do it, but you sure have a talent for storytelling. Thank you again.I am looking forward to the next one, which I hope doesn’t take too long.
Dee, I finished your new book, Betrayal, today. It definitely is spellbinding! I just couldn’t stop reading. I have never been disappointed in your books. Congratulations on another hit.
Judy is always the first to read my latest work since she reads on Kindle; Kindle is the first available copy. However, she sent me a lovely comment, and I want to thank her for taking the time to respond with her kind words.
I have just finished rereading all of your books in the order they were written this time. I got as much pleasure the second time as I did the first time. Please don’t stop writing books as you give so much pleasure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I have read and reread all of your books, and each one is as good, if not better than the last!
I had the honour of being your assistant editor on this book, and I have a newfound level of respect and
admiration for what it is you do. The time, energy, and attention to detail you put into your stories are amazing. You draw your reader in from the start, we hate to see the stories end, and you always leave us wanting more! I often wonder, from time to time, how the characters from the stories are doing and what they are up to now. Another job well done, and thank you for all you do.
Dee, your book, Betrayal, was awesome. It shows that a family circle can be broken by deceit and heartbreak. Still, the bond we build with our siblings can always be strengthened by the love and forgiveness we have in our hearts for each other. This was a heartwarming story, so well thought out and put together into words. I couldn't put it down. I needed to find out how it ended.
I finished ‘Secrets in Kanyon Ridge’ yesterday. It was a great read with a surprise twist. Thanks for writing it and I am looking forward to the next one.
I am looking forward to your next book. Keep writing...
Dee, I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to read "The Bench" until now. Actually, I started it yesterday after supper and got back to it today, after lunch. What a wonderful heart-wrenching story. I absolutely loved it and couldn't wait to see how it was going to end. Well, it certainly ended on a happy note. I can't say enough about it, it was so good and had me sitting on the edge of my chair. Thank you for that great story. It is definitely up on the top of my best read!!