Time is the Coin of Your Life

20 and Counting

Dee Cohoon-MadoreMy 19th novel, and 20th book, is titled The Invitation. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.

My Kanyon Collection has travelled across the world. Adding to that list recently are such places as, Edmonton and Grande Prairie, in Alberta. Bowmanville and Richmond Hill, in Ontario, and several copies have recently travelled on vacation trips to places like Cabo San Lucas, Spain, Arizona and other resorts in Mexico and Cuba. It is truly an honour that my books are the preferred choice while my readers are on vacation.

My readers' list continues to grow. I appreciate each and every one of them and look forward to their comments.

We still have the good fortune to be living in beautiful Bay View, Nova Scotia, where we have front-row seats to the activities on the Bay of Fundy from our front deck. We are only mere minutes from Digby, the Scallop Capital of the world. My surroundings give me a peaceful and relaxed feeling while taking in the beauty given to us by our Creator who never lets us down. Not only do we take pleasure in watching the fishing fleet come and go, but we also take great joy in watching the seemingly endless variety of birds visiting our feeder at the front window. Blue Jays, chickadees, juncos, grackles, sparrows, doves and woodpeckers all stop by and feast throughout the day.

During the scallop season, the fishermen anchor their boats along the bay, for days while shucking, anywhere from the Digby wharf to the ferry terminal. I call them my beacons of light because when I go to bed and look out into the darkness, there they are, all lit up and scattered here and there as far as the eye can see.

Not only do we watch the fishing fleet come and go, we take great pleasure in watching the seemingly endless variety of birds visiting our feeder at the front window. Bluejays, chickadees, juncos, grackles, sparrows, doves and woodpeckers all stop by and feast throughout the day.

All of my titles are available on Amazon, so please jump on over and pick one up, and then send me a comment. I look forward to hearing from, and answering everyone. 


Meet Dee Cohoon-Madore

Here's a Cute Tidbit

Consider this weird truth. Fiction writers are basically liars on paper. They make things up about people that don’t really exist. The point is NOT to tell the truth but to tell as interesting a story as possible while still being believable. They play with the facts so that the story makes sense and hooks the reader. 

When I’m stuck for a character’s back story, I’ll base it on myself or the real-life of someone I know and change the facts to disguise reality.

In the end, I’m just a liar in my own world.

As you keep reading, I'll keep writing.

Dee Cohoon-Madore


Some of My Fan Mail