A Deelightful Blog

Hello everyone. I am so pleased you are here with me and I hope we can spend time together like friends.

Another great comment

Recently, my FB friend, Joan Marshall, contacted me to purchase two of my books. She read 'Gifted' first and then I received this comment.

"Hi Dee, I finished reading your book "Gifted" and must say, I thought it was fabulous! I was so involved with everyone in the story, it was as if I was actually there with them. I had a distinct visual of the beach, the house and the town. There was not one second in the entire book where I became bored or uninterested, you held me captive through it all. It was a wonderful story written by a great author! Now I'm starting on 'Gypsy Heart', and I'll soon be sending for more books from you."

Then, after reading 'Gypsy Heart' she commented again:

"Hi Dee, after reading "Gypsy Heart", I had to take a few days to get all my thoughts in order. It is such an accelerating and revealing story, I could not put it down. This powerful book was reflective, moving and written with raw and vivid emotion. Anyone who reads this book will surely see what a wonderful author you have become. Thank you Dee for what you put on paper for all to enjoy."

Then I got this note in my inbox:

"Dee, now, I must ask you to please send 'The Grand Manor' to me, whenever you get a minute. I really like your style of writing, it's very down to earth, so please keep writing more books."

This is what keeps me writing! Thank you, Joan and all the readers who took the time to send your comments. To read similar comments on my web page visit  www.deelightfulreading.com and click on the comment section and read on!

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Hello everyone, at last word count I am at 19,431.  I have been spending the last few days at the keyboard and making progress nicely.  I hope to see you in here also with your comments, have a great day!

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Good morning everyone! Today I am beginning with a word count of 11,344 in my Work in Progress. Yesterday I typed over 5,000 words.  Nick Greyson is the protagonist in this book and you will love him. Now that my fire is back I will work diligently since I know there are people waiting to read.  I managed to get two books to print last year which was a huge accomplishment.  We had a few major set backs this year as well with the lost of several family members and I lost my spark.  So perhaps with this new found energy, a new blog, friends and family behind me, I hope to stay focused and write, write, write!

Enjoy your day!  I'll give you a progress report at the end of the day!


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Words on a Page

Over 11,000 now... On a roll now !!!

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Hi everyone and welcome to my new blog.  Since I got it up and running today I'm inspired to continue with my 5th book.  I've been at a stand still for weeks.  Not necessarily writer's block, just down time.  I haven't come up with a title for this book yet and maybe that's part of the reason for the stall.  I've always had a working title first and it inspired me to write on.  One will come eventually but since the blog has me inspired again I hope to see your comments, questions, words of encouragement  or any topic you are comfortable with. Feel free to share this spot with me.  I am now at 8,600 word count in my 'Work in Progress' (WIP) which is also the title I am using at the moment.

Have a great day everyone and thanks for dropping by!!!


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My New Blog is Live and Online

Hello everyone!!

I am DEELighted to let everyone know that my website blog is live and online and connected to my Facebook, Twitter and Linked In pages.

I hope to connect with you regularly with updates on my writing efforts.  I am working on my next book as we speak so please stand by!!


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